The content on The Heart's Mystery Ltd website is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any issue you may be facing - disease, health concern or illness.
Our wish is for you to be inspired to make an informed decision about your health should you choose to use holistic methods and we advise you to consult a qualified health professional if you are in any doubt.
We trust that by reading the information on this website, you acknowledge your total responsibility for your own health decisions.
If your specific issue relates to making big health changes around a specific diagnosis or condition, you are advised to consult with a qualified health professional.
The Heart's Mystery Ltd is not a medical or naturopathic doctor and does not dispense medical advice. If you feel or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Always consult with your medical doctor and/or healthcare provider before taking any medication, nutritional supplements and/or making any dietary changes.
The Heart's Mystery Ltd is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result if you choose to use or apply any of the information that you have read on this website and/or applied any of the information you have gathered from the resources. You are solely responsible for your own health decisions.​