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Yoni Steam

  • 1 h
  • 60 British pounds
  • Southampton

Get in touch for availabilty

What To Expect

Welcome to a sacred space of feminine empowerment. As a yoni herbal steam practitioner, I offer private sessions tailored to your needs and intentions. Expect a warm, supportive atmosphere and a brief consultation before we begin. Together, we'll create a personalized herbal blend addressing your specific goals, whether it's relief from menstrual discomfort, hormonal balance, postpartum recovery, self-care, and/or spiritual connection. During the session, relax as fragrant herbs envelop you, promoting relaxation, circulation, and detoxification. This beautiful ritual fosters deep healing, self-awareness, and connection to your feminine essence. Benefits of Yoni Herbal Steam: Menstrual Health: Alleviate menstrual cramps, regulate cycles, and support overall menstrual wellness. Hormonal Balance: Harmonize hormonal fluctuations and support reproductive health. Postpartum Recovery: Aid in the healing process post-birth, promoting uterine toning and rejuvenation. Emotional Well-being: Enhance relaxation, reduce stress, and foster a sense of emotional balance and empowerment. Spiritual Connection: Deepen your connection to your femininity, intuition, and inner wisdom. Schedule your private yoni steam ceremony with me today. Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or simply a deeper connection with yourself, I am here to support you every step of the way. Sessions are available by appointment only. Please contact me at Note: Please consult with your healthcare provider if you have any medical conditions or concerns before participating.

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